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Runtime API

Dflat runtime has very minimal API footprint. There are about 15 APIs in total from 2 objects.


func Workspace.performChanges(_ transactionalObjectTypes: [Any.Type], changesHandler: @escaping (_ transactionContext: TransactionContext) -> Void, completionHandler: ((_ success: Bool) -> Void)? = nil)

The API takes a changesHandler closure, where you can perform transactions such as object creations, updates or deletions. These mutations are performed through ChangeRequest objects.

The first parameter specifies relevant object you are going to transact with. If you read or update any objects that is not specified here, an assertion will be triggered.

When the transaction is done, the completionHandler closure will be triggered, and it will let you know whether the transaction is successful or not.

The transaction will be performed in a background thread, exactly which one shouldn't be your concern. Two different objects can have transactions performed concurrently, it follows strict serializable protocol in that case.

func TransactionContext.submit(_ changeRequest: ChangeRequest) throws -> UpdatedObject
func TransactionContext.try(submit: ChangeRequest) -> UpdatedObject?
func TransactionContext.abort() -> Bool

You can interact with Dflat with above APIs in a transaction. It handles data mutations through submit. Note that errors are possible. For example, if you created an object with the same primary key twice (you should use upsertRequest if this is expected). try(submit: method simplified the try? submit dance in case you don't want to know the returned value. It will fatal if there are conflict primary keys, otherwise will swallow other types of errors (such as disk full). When encountered any other types of errors, Dflat will simply fail the whole transaction. abort method will explicitly abort a transaction. All submissions before and after this call will have no effect.

Data Fetching

func Workspace.fetch(for ofType: Element.Type).where(ElementQuery, limit = .noLimit, orderBy = []) -> FetchedResult<Element>
func Workspace.fetch(for ofType: Element.Type).all(limit = .noLimit, orderBy = []) -> FetchedResult<Element>
func Workspace.fetchWithinASnapshot<T>(_: () -> T) -> T

Data fetching happens synchronously. You can specify conditions in the where clause, such as Post.title == "first post" or Post.priority > 100 && Post.color == .red. The returned FetchedResult<Element> acts pretty much like an array. The object itself (Element) is immutable, thus, either the object or the FetchedResult<Element> is safe to pass around between threads.

fetchWithinASnapshot provides a consistent view if you are going to fetch multiple objects:

let result = dflat.fetchWithinASnapshot { () -> (firstPost: FetchedResult<Post>, highPriPosts: FetchedResult<Post>) in
  let firstPost = dflat.fetch(for: Post.self).where(Post.title == "first post")
  let highPriPosts = dflat.fetch(for: Post.self).where(Post.priority > 100 && Post.color == .red)
  return (firstPost, highPriPosts)

This is needed because Dflat can do transactions in between fetch for firstPost and highPriPosts. The fetchWithinASnapshot won't stop that transaction, but will make sure it only observe the view from fetching for firstPost.

Data Subscription

func Workspace.subscribe<Element: Equatable>(fetchedResult: FetchedResult<Element>, changeHandler: @escaping (_: FetchedResult<Element>) -> Void) -> Subscription
func Workspace.subscribe<Element: Equatable>(object: Element, changeHandler: @escaping (_: SubscribedObject<Element>) -> Void) -> Subscription

The above are the native subscription APIs. It subscribes changes to either a fetchedResult or an object. For object, it will end when object deleted. The subscription is triggered before a completionHandler on a transaction triggered.

func Workspace.publisher<Element: Equatable>(for: Element) -> AtomPublisher<Element>
func Workspace.publisher<Element: Equatable>(for: FetchedResult<Element>) -> FetchedResultPublisher<Element>
func Workspace.publisher<Element: Equatable>(for: Element.Type).where(ElementQuery, limit = .noLimit, orderBy = []) -> QueryPublisher<Element>
func Workspace.publisher<Element: Equatable>(for: Element.Type).all(limit = .noLimit, orderBy = []) -> QueryPublisher<Element>

These are the Combine counter-parts. Besides subscribing to objects or fetchedResult, it can also subscribe to a query directly. What happens under the hood is the query will be made upon subscribe (hence, on whichever queue you provided if you did subscribe(on:), and subscribe the fetchedResult from then on.


func Workspace.shutdown(completion: (() -> Void)? = nil)

This will trigger the Dflat shutdown. All transactions made to Dflat after this call will fail. Transactions initiated before this will finish normally. Data fetching after this will return empty results. Any data fetching triggered before this call will finish normally, hence the completion part. The completion closure, if supplied, will be called once all transactions and data fetching initiated before shutdown finish. If completion closure not provided, this call will wait until all finished before return.