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Getting Started

Dflat consists two parts:

  1. dflatc compiler that takes a flatbuffers schema and generate Swift code from it;

  2. Dflat runtime with very minimal API footprint to interact with.

The Dflat runtime uses SQLite as the storage backend. The design itself can support other backends such as libmdbx in the future. The only hard dependency is flatbuffers.

To use Dflat, you should first use dflatc compiler to generate data model from flatbuffers schema, include the generated code in your project, and then use Dflat runtime to interact with the data models.


Dflat at the moment requires Bazel. To be more precise, Dflat runtime can be installed with either Swift Package Manager or Bazel. But the dflatc compiler requires Bazel to build relevant parts.

You can install Bazel on macOS following this guide.

Install with Bazel

If your project is already managed by Bazel, Dflat provides fully-integrated tools from code generation to library dependency management. Simply add Dflat to your WORKSPACE:

  name = "dflat",
  remote = "",
  commit = "3dc11274e8c466dd28ee35cdd04e84ddf7d420bc",
  shallow_since = "1604185591 -0400"

load("@dflat//:deps.bzl", "dflat_deps")


For your swift_library, you can now add a new schema like this:

load("@dflat//:dflat.bzl", "dflatc")

  name = "post_schema",
  srcs = ["post.fbs"]

  srcs = [
  deps = [

Install with Swift Package Manager

You can use dflatc compiler to manually generate code from flatbuffers schema.

./ --help

You can now add the generated source code to your project and then proceed to add Dflat runtime with Swift Package Manager:

.package(name: "Dflat", url: "", from: "0.4.1")


Assuming you have a post.fbs file somewhere look like this:

enum Color: byte {
  Red = 0,
  Blue = 2

table TextContent {
  text: string;

table ImageContent {
  images: [string];

union Content {

table Post {
  title: string (primary); // This is the primary key
  color: Color;
  tag: string;
  priority: int (indexed); // This property is indexed
  content: Content;

root_type Post; // This is important, it says the Post object will be the one Dflat manages.

You can then ether use dflatc compiler to manually generate code from the schema:

./ compile -o ../PostExample ../PostExample/post.fbs

Or use dflatc rule from Bazel:

  name = "post_schema",
  srcs = ["post.fbs"]

If everything checks out, you should see 4 files generated in ../PostExample directory: post_generated.swift, post_data_model_generated.swift, post_mutating_generated.swift, post_query_generated.swift. Adding them to your project.

Now you can do basic Create-Read-Update-Delete (CRUD) operations on the Post object.

import Dflat
import SQLiteDflat

let dflat = SQLiteWorkspace(filePath: filePath, fileProtectionLevel: .noProtection)


var createdPost: Post? = nil
dflat.performChanges([Post.self], changesHandler: { (txnContext) in
  let creationRequest = PostChangeRequest.creationRequest()
  creationRequest.title = "first post"
  creationRequest.color = .red
  creationRequest.content = .textContent(TextContent(text: "This is my very first post!"))
  guard let inserted = try? txnContent.submit(creationRequest) else { return } // Alternatively, you can use txnContent.try(submit: creationRequest) which won't return any result and do "reasonable" error handling.
  if case let .inserted(post) = inserted {
    createdPost = post
}) { succeed in
  // Transaction Done


let posts = dflat.fetch(for: Post.self).where(Post.title == "first post")


dflat.performChanges([Post.self], changesHandler: { (txnContext) in
  let post = posts[0]
  let changeRequest = PostChangeRequest.changeRequest(post)
  changeRequest.color = .green
  txnContent.try(submit: changeRequest)
}) { succeed in
  // Transaction Done


dflat.performChanges([Post.self], changesHandler: { (txnContext) in
  let post = posts[0]
  let deletionRequest = PostChangeRequest.deletionRequest(post)
  txnContent.try(submit: deletionRequest)
}) { succeed in
  // Transaction Done

You can subscribe changes to either a query, or an object. For an object, the subscription ends when the object was deleted. For queries, the subscription won't complete unless cancelled. There are two sets of APIs for this, one is vanilla callback-based, the other is based on Combine. I will show the Combine one here.

Subscribe a live query:

let cancellable = dflat.publisher(for: Post.self)
  .where(Post.color == .red, orderBy: [Post.priority.descending])
  .sink { posts in

Subscribe to an object:

let cancellable = dflat.pulisher(for: posts[0])
  .sink { post in
    switch post {
    case .updated(newPost):
    case .deleted:
      print("deleted, this is completed.")