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public protocol Queryable



func fetch<Element: Atom>(for ofType: Element.Type) -> QueryBuilder<Element>

Return a QueryBuilder that you can make where or all queries against.


func fetchWithinASnapshot<T>(_: () -> T) -> T

Provide a consistent view for fetching multiple objects at once.



public protocol WorkspaceDictionary



var keys: [String]

Return all keys available in the dictionary. This is an expensive (for this dictionary) method as it fetches from disk, from in-memory structures, and acquire locks if needed.

  • Returns: List of all keys available at the point of time in persisted dictionary.



func synchronize()

Force current thread to wait until everything has been written to disk. Note that this function forces wait to disk, but not synchronize across threads. You could have one thread called synchronize while another thread is still holding their own lock to update in-memory value. It doesn't guarantee the first thread will wait the second thread's dictionary[key] = value to finish. This method only guarantees all writes on current thread done.


mutating func removeAll()

Remove all key-value pairs in the dictionary. Like keys, this is an expensive method in the sense that it needs to acquire locks for all in-memory structures. But it is not as expensive as keys because the deletion from disk is asynchronous (no need to wait fetching from disk).



public protocol Workspace: Queryable



var dictionary: WorkspaceDictionary

A persisted, in-memory cached key-value storage backed by current Workspace. While writing data to disk is serialized under the hood, we don't wait the writes. This dictionary is an class object, it is always mutable.



func shutdown(completion: (() -> Void)?)

Shutdown the Workspace. All transactions made to Dflat after this call will fail. Transactions initiated before this will finish normally. Data fetching after this will return empty results. Any data fetching triggered before this call will finish normally, hence the completion part. The completion closure, if supplied, will be called once all transactions and data fetching initiated before shutdown finish. If completion closure not provided, this call will wait until all finished before return.


func performChanges(
  _ transactionalObjectTypes: [Any.Type], changesHandler: @escaping ChangesHandler,
  completionHandler: CompletionHandler?)

Perform a transaction for given object types.

  • Parameters:
    • transactionalObjectTypes: A list of object types you are going to transact with. If you If you fetch or mutation an object outside of this list, it will fatal.
    • changesHandler: The transaction closure where you will give a transactionContext and safe to do data mutations through submission of change requests.
    • completionHandler: If supplied, will be called once the transaction committed. It will be called with success / failure. You don't need to handle failure cases specifically (such as retry), but rather to surface and log such error.


Name Description
transactionalObjectTypes A list of object types you are going to transact with. If you If you fetch or mutation an object outside of this list, it will fatal.
changesHandler The transaction closure where you will give a transactionContext and safe to do data mutations through submission of change requests.
completionHandler If supplied, will be called once the transaction committed. It will be called with success / failure. You don’t need to handle failure cases specifically (such as retry), but rather to surface and log such error.


func subscribe<Element: Atom & Equatable>(
  fetchedResult: FetchedResult<Element>,
  changeHandler: @escaping (_: FetchedResult<Element>) -> Void
) -> Subscription

Subscribe to changes of a fetched result. You queries fetched result with fetch(for:).where() method and the result can be observed. If any object created / updated meet the query criterion, the callback will happen and you will get a updated fetched result.

  • Parameters:

    • fetchedResult: The original fetchedResult. If it is outdated already, you will get an updated callback soon after.
    • changeHandler: The callback where you will receive an update if anything changed.
  • Returns: A subscription object that you can cancel the subscription. If no one hold the subscription object, it will cancel automatically.


Name Description
fetchedResult The original fetchedResult. If it is outdated already, you will get an updated callback soon after.
changeHandler The callback where you will receive an update if anything changed.


func subscribe<Element: Atom & Equatable>(
  object: Element, changeHandler: @escaping (_: SubscribedObject<Element>) -> Void
) -> Subscription

Subscribe to changes of an object. If anything in the object changed or the object itself is deleted. Deletion is a terminal event for subscription. Even if later you inserted an object with the same primary key, the subscription callback won't be triggered. This is different from fetched result subscription above where if you query by primary key, you will get subscription update if a new object with the same primary key later created.

  • Parameters:

    • object: The object to be observed. If it is outdated already, you will get an updated callback soon after.
    • changeHandler: The callback where you will receive an update if anything changed.
  • Returns: A subscription object that you can cancel on. If no one hold the subscription, it will cancel automatically.


Name Description
object The object to be observed. If it is outdated already, you will get an updated callback soon after.
changeHandler The callback where you will receive an update if anything changed.


func publisher<Element: Atom & Equatable>(for: Element) -> AtomPublisher<Element>

Return a publisher for object subscription in Combine.


func publisher<Element: Atom & Equatable>(for: FetchedResult<Element>)
  -> FetchedResultPublisher<Element>

Return a publisher for fetched result subscription in Combine.


func publisher<Element: Atom & Equatable>(for: Element.Type) -> QueryPublisherBuilder<Element>

Return a publisher builder for query subscription in Combine.


func subscribe<Element: Atom & Equatable>(
  object: Element, bufferingPolicy: AsyncStream<Element>.Continuation.BufferingPolicy
) -> AsyncStream<Element>

Subscribe to changes to the said object, and return the AsyncSequence you can iterate over.

  • Parameters:

    • object: The object previously fetched that we want to observe the new updates.
    • bufferingPolicy: The buffering policy to avoid issuing all updates to concerned parties. Default will be the newest of 1.
  • Returns: An AsyncSequence that can await for new object updates. Finishes only if the object deletes.


Name Description
object The object previously fetched that we want to observe the new updates.
bufferingPolicy The buffering policy to avoid issuing all updates to concerned parties. Default will be the newest of 1.


func subscribe<Element: Atom & Equatable>(
  fetchedResult: FetchedResult<Element>,
  bufferingPolicy: AsyncStream<FetchedResult<Element>>.Continuation.BufferingPolicy
) -> AsyncStream<FetchedResult<Element>>

Subscribe to changes to the said fetched result, and return the AsyncSequence you can iterate over.

  • Parameters:

    • fetchedResult: The result fetched that we want to observe the new updates.
    • bufferingPolicy: The buffering policy to avoid issuing all updates to concerned parties. Default will be the newest of 1.
  • Returns: An AsyncSequence that can await for new fetched result. It never finishes.


Name Description
fetchedResult The result fetched that we want to observe the new updates.
bufferingPolicy The buffering policy to avoid issuing all updates to concerned parties. Default will be the newest of 1.



extension Workspace



public func shutdown()


public func performChanges(
  _ transactionalObjectTypes: [Any.Type], changesHandler: @escaping ChangesHandler


public func shutdown() async


public func performChanges(
  _ transactionalObjectTypes: [Any.Type], changesHandler: @escaping ChangesHandler
) async -> Bool

Perform a transaction for given object types and await either success or failure boolean.

  • Parameters:
    • transactionalObjectTypes: A list of object types you are going to transact with. If you If you fetch or mutation an object outside of this list, it will fatal.
    • changesHandler: The transaction closure where you will give a transactionContext and safe to do data mutations through submission of change requests.


Name Description
transactionalObjectTypes A list of object types you are going to transact with. If you If you fetch or mutation an object outside of this list, it will fatal.
changesHandler The transaction closure where you will give a transactionContext and safe to do data mutations through submission of change requests.


public func subscribe<Element: Atom & Equatable>(object: Element) -> AsyncStream<Element>


public func subscribe<Element: Atom & Equatable>(fetchedResult: FetchedResult<Element>)
  -> AsyncStream<FetchedResult<Element>>



open class QueryBuilder<Element: Atom>



public init()


open func `where`<T: Expr & SQLiteExpr>(
  _ query: T, limit: Limit = .noLimit, orderBy: [OrderBy<Element>] = []
) -> FetchedResult<Element> where T.ResultType == Bool, T.Element == Element

Make query against the Workspace. This is coupled with fetch(for:) method and shouldn't be used independently.

  • Parameters:

    • query: The query such as Post.title == "some title" && Post.color == .red
    • limit: The limit. Default to .noLimit, you can supply .limit(number)
    • orderBy: The array of keys to order the result. Such as [Post.priority.descending]
  • Returns: Return a fetched result which interacts just like normal array.


Name Description
query The query such as Post.title == "some title" && Post.color == .red
limit The limit. Default to .noLimit, you can supply .limit(number)
orderBy The array of keys to order the result. Such as [Post.priority.descending]


open func all(limit: Limit = .noLimit, orderBy: [OrderBy<Element>] = []) -> FetchedResult<Element>

Return all objects for a class.

  • Parameters:

    • limit: The limit. Default to .noLimit, you can supply .limit(number)
    • orderBy: The array of keys to order the result. Such as [Post.priority.descending]
  • Returns: Return a fetched result which interacts just like normal array.


Name Description
limit The limit. Default to .noLimit, you can supply .limit(number)
orderBy The array of keys to order the result. Such as [Post.priority.descending]



public protocol WorkspaceSubscription



func cancel()

Cancel an existing subscription. It is guaranteed that no callback will happen immediately after cancel.



public enum SubscribedObject<Element: Atom>



case updated(_: Element)

Giving the updated object.


case deleted

The object is deleted. This denotes the end of a subscription.



open class QueryPublisherBuilder<Element: Atom & Equatable>



public init()


open func `where`<T: Expr & SQLiteExpr>(
  _ query: T, limit: Limit = .noLimit, orderBy: [OrderBy<Element>] = []
) -> QueryPublisher<Element> where T.ResultType == Bool, T.Element == Element

Subscribe to a query against the Workspace. This is coupled with publisher(for: Element.self) method and shouldn't be used independently.

  • Parameters:

    • query: The query such as Post.title == "some title" && Post.color == .red
    • limit: The limit. Default to .noLimit, you can supply .limit(number)
    • orderBy: The array of keys to order the result. Such as [Post.priority.descending]
  • Returns: A publisher object that can be interacted with Combine.


Name Description
query The query such as Post.title == "some title" && Post.color == .red
limit The limit. Default to .noLimit, you can supply .limit(number)
orderBy The array of keys to order the result. Such as [Post.priority.descending]


open func all(limit: Limit = .noLimit, orderBy: [OrderBy<Element>] = []) -> QueryPublisher<

Subscribe to all changes to a class. This is coupled with publisher(for: Element.self) method and shouldn't be used independently.

  • Parameters:

    • limit: The limit. Default to .noLimit, you can supply .limit(number)
    • orderBy: The array of keys to order the result. Such as [Post.priority.descending]
  • Returns: A publisher object that can be interacted with Combine.


Name Description
limit The limit. Default to .noLimit, you can supply .limit(number)
orderBy The array of keys to order the result. Such as [Post.priority.descending]